Benvenuti sul sito della Società Internazionale di Erich Fromm!

Sul sito potete trovare informazioni relative ad eventi, gruppi di studio ed altre attività della SIEF, oltre ad informazioni riguardo al contenuto del nostro lavoro. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) è noto non solo come autore ed importante umanista del XX secolo ma anche come psicanalista e psicologo sociale. Egli influenzò il mondo come pochi altri scienziati sociali nati in Germania. I suoi scritti e le sue conquiste scientifiche sono lette e riconosciute a livello mondiale. La SIEF lavora per mantenere, ricercare, approfondire e divulgare le idée e le scoperte di Erich Fromm, che hanno avuto risonanza internazionale e mondiale.

We lose one of the most outstanding scholars of Fromm. As nobody else, Dr. Romano Biancoli has brought the humanistic and psychoanalytic thought to use in therapeutic training, and has reflected the psychoanalytic-therapeutic practices of Erich Fromm in numerous publications, and thus made them accessible to others.

With the foundation of the Istituto di Psicoanalisi Erich Fromm in Bologna, he not only contributed to the spread of the psychoanalytic and social-psychological thought of Erich Fromm in Italy. Since the establishment of the Erich Fromm Society in1985, he has contributed especially to the international character of the organization, as well as initiating and carrying out numerous joint international conferences.

Born in July 1940 he succumbed to a cancer desease. In December 2008 he wrote about his illness: "Of course, nobody knows how it will end up, but for me this is already a period of life lived, full in its material limits, with friends and cultural interests." These friends lost a friend.

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