Benvenuti sul sito della Società Internazionale di Erich Fromm!

Sul sito potete trovare informazioni relative ad eventi, gruppi di studio ed altre attività della SIEF, oltre ad informazioni riguardo al contenuto del nostro lavoro. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) è noto non solo come autore ed importante umanista del XX secolo ma anche come psicanalista e psicologo sociale. Egli influenzò il mondo come pochi altri scienziati sociali nati in Germania. I suoi scritti e le sue conquiste scientifiche sono lette e riconosciute a livello mondiale. La SIEF lavora per mantenere, ricercare, approfondire e divulgare le idée e le scoperte di Erich Fromm, che hanno avuto risonanza internazionale e mondiale.


The goal of the German-speaking, weekend-long conference is to critically discuss the possibilities and limits of sustainable societies.

Registration for the conference is directly through the Academy in Hofgeismar: ➜ to registration

Flyer for the conference: ➜ Download

Sustainable societies in the sense of securing and protecting the livelihoods of human and non-human living beings have long been a central topic. Nevertheless, according to a realistic assessment, global resource consumption continues to rise, thousands of non-human species are disappearing from earth forever (loss of biodiversity), land is desertifying, and climate change is more present and tangible than ever before with recent heat waves, forest fires, and increasing extreme weather events.
Against this backdrop, the conference addresses the question of whether sustainability still has a future. It is therefore decidedly not about the question of what threatens us all - that is well known and can be read, watched and listened to live and in real time every day. Rather, the aim is to reflect on why, despite countless reports, commissions and agendas, so little sustainable transformation has taken place and what needs to be done.

Speakers are:
● Dipl. Pol. Kai Mosebach
● Prof. Dr. Birgit Mahnkopf
● Prof. Dr. Ingolfur Blühdorn
● Dr. Rainer Funk
● Prof. Dr. Burkhard Bierhoff
● Dr. Kora Kristof
● Prof. Dr. Ernst-Ulrich Weizsäcker

Conference costs: The conference and pension costs at the Protestant Academy Hofgeismar for members and interested parties of the Fromm Society (from Friday to Sunday with full board) are 140 € in a double room p. p. and 152 € in a single room. Members of the Erich Fromm Society can, if necessary, submit an informal application to the office for a subsidy of up to 50 €.

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