Bacciagaluppi , M. 2011b

The last case of Romano Biancoli , pp. 7-10.

Bacciagaluppi , M., 2011a

American events shared with Romano Biancoli ,pp. 35-37.

Braune , J., 2011

Erich Fromm and Thomas Merton : Biophilia, Necrophilia, and Messianism, pp. 43-48.

Braune , N., 2011

Fromm's Biophilia . Insights from Sigmund Freud's Mission, pp. 49-54.

Cutajar , R., 2011

An account of meaningful meetings with Romano Biancoli , pp. 38-40.

Cutajar , R., 2011a

Authentic life and ‘false consciousness' . Towards a review of psychoanalysis as a tool for social criticism, pp. 11-16.

Funk , R., 2011c

Erich Fromm's psychotherapeutic technique of directness and its biophilic reception by Romano Biancoli, pp. 17-20.

Lio , E., 2011

The concepts of total humanity and being mode in the reception of Fromm by Romano Biancoli, pp. 21-25.

Risari , G., 2011

Humanistic conscience : Identity, ‘productivity' and biophilia in Erich Fromm, pp. 29f.

Riscassi , G., 2011

The art of listening in Romano Biancoli , pp. 26-28.

Signorini , G., 2011

Guilt: anthropological and psychoanalytic aspects with reference to Romano Biancoli's work, pp. 30-34.

Tricoli , M. L., 2011

In remembrance of Romano Biancoli , pp. 40f.